Thursday, September 6, 2007

from coastal moalboal to the mountain springs of kawasan

The downside of going with a big group is the seemingly endless waiting. We (Pats, Ems, Pacer and myself) were already at the Citilink bright and early but it took 2 doughnuts, a chocodrink and half a liter of water to pacify our stomachs before the rest of the gang (Tokiwa boys and girls) turned up. All fourteen of us crammed inside the van that ply the area with one pair of sweethearts sharing one seat for the roughly two-hour trip to Moalboal. Despite the inconvenience, we still paid Php 80.00 each.

When you come to think of it, it is better to be packed with somebody you know rather than sit on a bus next to some shady character.
We were met by Opao at the highway while Evs got busy with lunch which justified the relative difficulty of our trip. The meal consisted of chicharong bulaklak, tinolang manok, rice, cola and bananas as big as my arm. The Abangans were also instrumental in our availing a sizable discount at Clarita's Lodge. All fourteen of us were allowed to share the twin sharing room for the night. The inn was located at the end of a long stretch of beach resorts and can be accessed from Moalboal market via a tricycle that charged Php 6.00 per head.It has a pugon where we prepared our meals and a veranda overlooking a small patch of sand and swimming area where we enjoyed our food.
Next to it was a discohouse but that was out of our schedule which consisted mainly of swimming until we're wiped out. When we're out of the water, we walked around the area and looked into what other resorts had to offer.
There's a countless number of accommodation to choose from and most are dirt cheap given the extent of the amenities they offered.
One signage in particular caught my eye and it said "He who all here enter abandon all hope (to walk out sober)."
In the morning, when the tide is low, a completely different and astounding sight greeted the early birds; like corals of all shape and color, sea urchins and starfish.
High tide was slow to come so we said goodbye to the innkeeper and jumped into the PUJ we hired (Php 10.00 per head) that dropped us in Badian, at the jump-off point to an uphill hike to the Kawasan Falls. The trail to the three major falls were all navigable but we chose to frolic in the frigid waters of the second falls. We rented out a bamboo raft for Php 90.00 which took us to and through the cascading waters. Something drew out the kids in us that had us dare jumping off from one of the smaller cascades and into the swimming basin. But afternoon came too soon and we had to leave. We all slept on the bus ride back to Cebu.

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